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Sampath Mukherjee

COSMICLENS post-doc,

The University of Liege.

Supervisor: Prof. Dominique Sluse.


Ph.D., Kapteyn Astronomical Institute,
University of Groningen, the Netherlands.


Supervisor: Prof. dr. Leon Koopmans.
Co-supervisor: Prof. dr. Joop Schaye.

Co-promoter: Prof. dr. R. Benton Metcalf


Research Interests

Simulations of Strong Gravitational Lenses, Mock catalogues, Lens modelling, Galaxy formation & evolution, Cosmological Simulations.



Current: The main project that I am currently involved in is developing a pipeline for simulating time-delay measurements.


Ongoing: Simulations of Strong Gravitational Lenses with EAGLE (Evolution and Assembly of Galaxies and their Environment). 




Ph.D. 2014-2019 , Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen, the Netherlands.
MSc   2012-14, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT KGP), Kharagpur, India.
BSc    2009-12, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira (RKMV), Belurmath, India.




Language: Bengali (mother tongue), Hindi (fluent), English (fluent), French (fluent), Dutch (level A2), Italian (level A1, basic).
Computing: Python, C, C++.
Scientific packages: GLAMER, LENSED, ds9.
Database: SQLite3.
Web designing: HTML, WordPress, PHP, Wix.
Document processing: Latex, LyX, Google Drive, Keynote.





Invited Talks:


TBD 2021 Bridging gaps between dynamical probes of galaxies. University of Leiden, NL. (Workshop)

Dec 2019 Le séminaire AGO, Institut d’Astrophysique et de Géophysique, Liege, BEL. (Colloquium)

July 2019 The cosmology seminar in MPA, Garching, GER. (Colloquium)

April 2019 Group seminar in EPFL, Geneva, Switzerland. (Colloquium)

Nov 2018 The MEGA (Meetings ExtraGalactic of Arcetri) seminar in INAF, Arcetri, IT. (Colloquium)

Oct 2018 The cosmology seminar in MPA, Garching, GER. (Colloquium)

Feb 2018 Star Talk - SIRIUS A, Kapteyn, Groningen, NL. (Colloquium)

Dec 2015 Centre for Theoretical Studies (CTS) in IIT-KGP, Kharagpur, India. (Colloquium)


Contributed Talks/Poster


Jun 2020 EAS Conference, Leiden, NL. (Talk)

Sep 2019 DARK MATtER(A) - Cosmology and DMatter within galaxies and clusters, Matera, IT. (Talk)

July 2018 Shedding Light on the Dark Universe with Extremely Large Telescopes, Trieste, IT. (Talk)

May 2018 Nederlandse Astronomen Conferentie 2018, Groningen, NL. (Poster)

Feb 2018 Wednesday Lunch Talk, Kapteyn, Groningen, NL. (Talk)

Jun 2017 Aosta 2017-Strong gravitational lensing by galaxies and clusters, Cogne, IT. (Talk)

Nov 2016 Kapteyn Science Day 2016, Groningen, NL. (Talk)

Jul 2016 Celebrating a Centenary of Gravitational Lensing, Leiden, NL. (Poster)

Feb 2016 Galaxy Cookies in Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen, NL. (Talk)

Dec 2015 International Conference on Gravity and Cosmology, IISER-Mohali, Mohali, India. (Talk)


Institut d'Astrophysique et de Géophysique

University of Liege

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