About Me
I am a COSMICLENS post-doc fellow in University of Liege, working with Prof. Dominique Sluse. I am presently developing a pipeline to numerically simulate and study the Time Delay (TD) measurements in Strong gravitational lensing. TD originates due to the difference in mass encountered by photons from a high-redshift (z=2) quasar when traveling towards us. My goal is to get a handle on the systematics involved and improve the constraints on the Hubble constant (H0). This project is in joint collaboration with Prof. Frederic Courbin (EPFL).
I am also involved in several projects related to lens modeling (w/ Prof. L. V. E. Koopmans and Prof. Ben Metcalf), exploring the underlying nature of dark matter (w/ Prof. Joop Schaye), alternative cosmologies (w/ Prof. Boud Roukema), and exploring lensing and non-lensing galaxies in Kilo-Degree Survey (w/ Dr. Crescenzo Tortora). I am also involved in Micro Lensing projects (w/ Dr. Giorgos Vernardos, and Prof. Dominique Sluse).
I did my Ph.D. at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, the astronomy department of the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands. I developed SEAGLE pipeline to numerically simulate Strong gravitational lenses with EAGLE simulation in Prof. Leon V. E. Koopmans' Gravitational Lensing Group and co-supervised by Prof. Joop Schaye (Leiden University). In collaboration with Prof. Ben Metcalf’s (University of Bologna) group, I am also involved in the modeling of strong lenses in an automated manner.
I received my master's degree (M.Sc.) in Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT KGP) in 2014. Before that, I finished my Bachelor studies (B. Sc Honours) in Physics from Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, Belur Math in 2012. I completed my Higher Secondary Education in 2009.