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Credits: HST/NASA
Strong gravitational lensing due to ETG provides a robust observational test of a number of theoretical predictions for galaxies at z < 1, especially when it is being combined with stellar kinematic data. Many questions however remain unanswered. To study strong-lensing ETGs in more detail, the Sloan Lens ACS Survey (SLACS) and the Strong Lensing Legacy Survey (SL2S,) have provided relatively uniform samples. The lens models from these surveys, however, have not yet been compared in detail to high resolution numerical simulations. 

SEAGLE addresses the study of galaxy formation through strong gravitational lensing using EAGLE, a suit of high resolution hydrodynamic simulations with different galaxy formation scenarios. SEAGLE is an automated, self-consistent and state-of-the-art theoretical framework to disentangle underlying physics of galaxy formation mechanisms.

SEAGLE  establishs unanimity in analysis among invaluable observational surveys such as KiDS (ongoing), EUCLID (2020s), the European-Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT, 2020s) and Square Kilometer Array (SKA, 2020s) to simultaneously simulate and model strong lenses to probe galaxy formation history.
What the pipeline can do ?

Extracting all galaxies with a predefined selection function  // Projecting the galaxies in any axes/angle and creating mass maps for Dark Matter, Star and Gas particles  // Creating strong lenses by GLAMER // Proper addition of noise and convolving with HST psf  // Automatically creating masks  // Modeling lenses with LENSED // Implementing minimiser direct fitting on convergence maps // Comparing the parameters with observations

How many EAGLE scenarios ?

Scenario name               L (cMpc)    N

Calibrated models

FBconst                                50            752
FBσ                                       50            752
FBZ                                       50            752
Ref (FBZρ)                          50            752
Ref variations
ViscLo                                   50           752
ViscHi                                   50           752
AGNdT8                               50          752
AGNdT9                               50          752

NOAGN                                50          752

More strong lenses needed ...
For the up comings surveys like KiDS, EUCLID, and SKA, we need more and more strong lenses


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